
Almaty - Bishkek Economic Corridor Tourism Master Plan of the

Талайбек Макеев

ADB research and publication, 2019: https://www.


Государственная программа инфраструктурного развития "Нурлы Жол" на 2020-2025 г.г./The State Programme of the infrastructural development of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025

Талайбек Макеев

Государственная программа обеспечивает развитие транспортно-логистической инфраструктуры Казахстана/ The State Programme on development of the transport and logistic infrastructure of Kazakhstan for 2020-2025:    https://adilet.


Smart Corridors Simulator (Симулятор умных коридоров)

Vadym Kaptur (UN ESCAP)

In order to automate the process of determining the most suitable model for the development of new infrastructure corridors, a special simulation model was developed based on the principle of construction (reconstruction) processes imitation, as well as maintenance of infrastructure facilities that are part of the corridor.
